October 20, 2010

Check all that applies

I've read, heard and gotten advice from all different avenues about men and how to keep them. Sometimes it felt as if Oprah was sitting in my living room giving well-needed advice. I have always heard about a checklist and not for just men but for many aspects of life. Here's how its done,you write down your goals or wants rather, seal it and put away until it comes true. As a ridiculous experiment I wrote one up about a man since that was the topic on the television(didn't just pick that topic as if I'm in dire need). To me,I think my hopes, maybe even requirements were pretty realistic nothing that would seem impossible but as years have passed it's starting to look like it. Yes, I have thought about reevaluating and scaling some things down but just didn't want to, don't want to believe that its not possible.

A few months after I wrote it I met a guy named Danny. We were getting pretty serious or thats what it appeared to be. I did have a great time with him or so I thought until I was cleaning out a drawer and found the "list". My hopes on the list didn't reflect the guy I was seeing at the time. The only part that he had was all physical nothing emotional or mental about him met what I really wanted. Even though I brushed it off as a nonchalant experiment it was still my true feelings. So now I'm stuck in a dilemma of continuing to waste my time or enjoying myself and screw what was written. I began to lie to myself and say," well my list requirements are for a husband not for just anybody" but if I'm dating you somewhere down the line we'll come to the crossroads of becoming more serious or me getting stuck in the "whatever" happens role. If my males friends were to read the list would probably say I am thinking to much or I'm describing a women because it isn't in men to contain the characteristics I seek. Men are suppose to be providers not romantics, but strong not sentimental. I tried to provoke more out of Danny and see more than just looks but when that's all you have it isn't much. It is absolutely frustrating being with someone that has the potential but doesn't care to embrace it.

As time persisted his con's simply outweighed the pro's and with that there isn't really a point anymore. I decided that 2010 was going to be the year of the lames and maybe they will have more to offer because they are happy to have you, instead of a man that believes he looks better than you. Ambitious, hard working men…Check, Pretty Boys…. No Thanks!

Check out next to see if I hold true to my new found belief


  1. I wrote a list last month. Haven't met anyone so far. To be honest, most of it is about looks but hey if it doesn't work out I can always write another one, right?! I think it's amazing that you met a man that embodied your list, even if things didn't work out the way you might have hoped, it still is very miraculous that Law of Attraction type things do work..

    Good luck on finding someone better suited for you

  2. Awww thanks, Law of Attraction is very interesting and believe me I wished it did work out. U are absolutely right if the guy on ur list doesn't come around then reevaluate it. It took my nearly a year to meet this one guy after I wrote mine so you have time.

    Enjoy every minute of it though!
